GLI insurance is essential to protect landlords against bad payers. Insurance companies intervene in the choice of tenants and seek to refuse high-risk files. However, between falsified files, fraud...
Facial recognition and identity verification are increasingly ubiquitous technologies in our daily lives. These tools are used to recognize and verify the identity of individuals. To do this, they rely on their...
KYS stands for "Know Your Supplier". It is a crucial process for companies to assess and manage the risks associated with their suppliers. It involves...
What is document fraud? Document fraud is the practice of using falsified or fraudulently obtained documents. Its aim is to deceive, defraud or usurp the identity of others....
The Google My Business listing (or Google Business Profile) has become a must-have for all businesses, whether BtoB or BtoC. They represent a major advantage for increasing your visibility and...
Responding to a negative review can be a challenge for businesses, as it can have a negative impact on their e-reputation. However, knowing how to deal with these comments is crucial to maintaining a positive image and showing potential customers...