Product and object counting

With Datakeen, you can increase reliability, avoid unnecessary losses and ensure customer satisfaction. Automate object and product counting with a simple camera.

35% of supply chain disruptions originate from 1st-tier suppliers

Optimize inventory control

Dramatically reduce inventory variances and losses

Ensure your customers' trust

Check every product delivered by your suppliers

Stop losing money on delays

Make sure deliveries are received correctly

Check and count every product received, without taking up your employees' time. With our solution, you can easily monitor the delivery of orders and automatically record each operation. Take advantage of our tracking tool and customizable alerts in the event of a problem. 

Identify each product on the production line

Quickly and easily locate each product at key points in your supply chain. Track inventory and production in real time. Our identification system is easy to install and requires no major changes. It can identify products by color, material or shape.

Automate product counting at shipping time

Shipping is an important part of the logistics process. Ensure your customers' satisfaction by automatically checking that each order has been fully completed. Visually check and count each product. Save time and deliver without delay.

Our technology

Based on artificial intelligence, our technology is capable of counting thousands of products, and requires no major installation.

After a short training session, our solution is able to identify all your products by shape, color and material.