[:fr]Défense et Sécurité[:en]Security and Defense[:de]Verteidigung und Sicherheit[:]



Today's threats are diffuse and growing. The risk of cyber-attacks has become one of the main challenges facing governments, businesses and organizations. In addition to confrontations in internal and external theaters, there is also competition for technological supremacy.


At the heart of the armed forces' strategic revolution, Artificial Intelligence is a powerful lever for an agile, proactive defense system that anticipates and prevents threats.


The Datakeen AI platform enables us to meet the challenges of defense and security by providing tools for anticipation, research and development, modernization and operational readiness.

We offer tools for:


Military, defense and artificial intelligence


Interested? Let's discuss your issues and request a demo.

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Current threats are diffuse and growing. The risk of cyber attacks has become one of the main challenges for governments, companies and organizations. In addition to the clashes in indoor and outdoor theatres, there is also a competition for technological supremacy.


At the heart of the strategic revolution in the armed forces, Artificial Intelligence is a formidable lever for an agile and proactive defence that anticipates and prevents threats.


IA Datakeen's platform makes it possible to meet the challenges of Defense and Security by giving them tools for anticipation, research and development, modernization, and preparation of operations.


Military, defense and artificial intelligence


Interested? Let's discuss your issues and ask for a demo.

ask for a demo



Die aktuellen Bedrohungen sind diffus und nehmen zu. Das Risiko von Cyberangriffen ist zu einer der größten Herausforderungen für Staaten, Unternehmen und Organisationen geworden. Neben den Zusammenstößen im Innen- und Außenbereich gibt es einen Wettbewerb um die technologische Vormachtstellung.


Im Zentrum der strategischen Revolution der Armeen ist die künstliche Intelligenz ein gewaltiger Hebel im Dienste einer agilen und proaktiven Verteidigung, die Bedrohungen antizipiert und verhindert.


Die Plattform von IA Datakeen ermöglicht es, auf Verteidigungs- und Sicherheitsprobleme zu reagieren, indem sie Tools für Antizipation, Forschung und Entwicklung, Modernisierung und Vorbereitung von Operationen bereitstellt.


Military, defense and artificial intelligence


Interessiert? Lassen Sie uns Ihre Probleme besprechen und eine Demo anfordern.

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