Churn detectionChurn detectionChurn detection

"A happy customer tells 4 people about you, an unhappy customer tells 10!"
How to nurture the relationship with your customers before it's too late. How can you make them ambassadors for your brand and detect why they're leaving?

Datakeen pinpoints the weakest warning signs, so you can better target your actions and prevent customers from leaving.

Attrition predictions are accompanied by personalized explanations to help you understand the choices made by our AI engine.


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"A happy customer speaks of you to 4 people, while an unhappy customer speaks to 10!"
How to manage your relationship with your customers before it's too late. How do you make them your brand ambassadors and find out why other customers are leaving?

The first signs of churn are spotted by Datakeen in order to guide your actions and to prevent customers from churning.

Our churn predictions come with custom explanationsallowingyou to understand our AI's choices.


Interested? Let's discuss your issues and ask for a demo.

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"Ein glücklicher Kunde spricht von dir mit 4 Leuten, während ein unglücklicher Kunde mit 10 spricht!"

Wie Sie Ihre Beziehung zu Ihren Kunden gestalten können, bevor es zu spät ist. Wie machen Sie sie zu Ihren Markenbotschaftern und finden heraus, warum andere Kunden gehen?

Die ersten Anzeichen von Abwanderung werden von Datakeen entdeckt, um Ihr Handeln zu lenken und zu verhindern, dass Kunden abwandern.

Unsere Churn-Vorhersagen werden mit benutzerdefinierten Erklärungen geliefert, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, die Entscheidungen unserer KI zu verstehen.


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