September 2023

FDDay: Datakeen at France Digitale Day

by | 2023, Conference, Event

On Wednesday September 20, 2023, Datakeen took part in FDDay 2023. A unique opportunity to meet you and present our latest technological and digital innovations.


Datakeen at the forefront of innovation at FDDay 2023


France Digitale Day 2023, one of the most eagerly awaited technology and innovation events of the year. The event brought together thousands of tech enthusiasts and visionary entrepreneurs.


France Digitale Day 2023: A Crossroads of Innovation


France Digitale Day, short for "FDDAY," is an annual event that attracts visionaries, entrepreneurs and innovators of all kinds. It's a true hub of innovation, where the latest technology trends are showcased and bold ideas are shared. Participants have the opportunity to attend inspiring conferences, discover revolutionary products and services, and forge strategic partnerships.


France Digitale Day also offers a unique platform for startups and innovative companies like Datakeen to showcase their technological advances and network with other industry players. It's an event that inspires creativity and fosters the sharing of knowledge to shape the future of technology.