In a globalized and volatile environment, competition is driving prices down, while the scarcity of resources is increasing the cost of supply.
Regulatory and environmental constraints require greater adaptability of production resources. At the same time, global markets offer new outlets for innovative, differentiated products.
How to revive innovation, rethink means of production in the age of AI and robotization, in order to gain adaptability and become more competitive.
How can machine learning enable the transition to Industry 4.0 while integrating into current processes?
Through the use of data, Datakeen offers an answer to the problems of automation, decision-making assistance in processes and continuous improvement. In the service of operational excellence, Datakeen enhances the responsiveness, reliability and competitiveness of industrial companies that are taking change in hand.
Interested? Let's discuss your issues and request a demo.
In a globalized and volatile environment, competition drives prices down even as scarce resources increase the cost of supplies.
Regulatory and environmental constraints require increased adaptability of means of production. At the same time, global markets offer new opportunities for innovative and differentiated products.
How to relaunch innovation, rethink production resources in the era of AI and robotization, in order to gain in adaptability and competitiveness.
How does machine learning enable the transition to industry 4.0 while integrating into current processes?
Datakeen offers, through the use of data, an answer to the problems of automation, decision-making assistance in processes and continuous improvement. In the service of operational excellence, Datakeen makes it possible to increase the reactivity, reliability and competitiveness of industrial companies that are taking control of change.
Interested? Let's discuss your issues and ask for a demo.
In einem globalisierten und volatilen Umfeld führt der Wettbewerb zu sinkenden Preisen, obwohl knappe Ressourcen die Kosten für die Versorgung erhöhen.
Regulatorische und umweltbezogene Auflagen erfordern eine größere Anpassungsfähigkeit der Produktionsmittel. Gleichzeitig bieten die globalen Märkte neue Möglichkeiten für innovative und differenzierte Produkte.
Wie man Innovationen wieder einführt, die Produktionsressourcen im Zeitalter von KI und Robotik überdenkt, um an Anpassungsfähigkeit und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu gewinnen.
Wie ermöglicht maschinelles Lernen den Übergang zur Industrie 4.0 bei gleichzeitiger Integration in bestehende Prozesse?
Datakeen bietet durch die Verwendung von Daten eine Antwort auf die Probleme der Automatisierung, der Entscheidungshilfe in Prozessen und der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung. Im Dienste der operativen Exzellenz ermöglicht Datakeen die Steigerung der Reaktionsfähigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Industrieunternehmen, die den Wandel in den Griff bekommen.
Interessiert? Lassen Sie uns Ihre Probleme besprechen und eine Demo anfordern.