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Answer IA - Answers to customer reviews

Respond automatically to every customer review. Answer IA automates response suggestion and comment moderation. Boost your e-reputation and drive to store with feedback. Build a relationship of trust with your customers.

Responding to customer feedback
datakeen platform


Respond to 100% of your customer reviews, on all rating platforms: Google Business, Trustpilot, Tripadvisor, ...

text information

Appropriate response

Show empathy. Respond appropriately to both positive and negative reviews. Make sure you use the right tone.


Car moderation

Automatically check the veracity and validity of negative reviews. Automate requests to remove non-compliant customer reviews.


Detailed analysis

Get detailed analyses for each outlet. Find the strengths and weaknesses most frequently mentioned in reviews.

They trust us

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BNP Paribas
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Make customer reviews your best asset!

Google SERP

SERP visibility

Boost your visibility on search engines with customer reviews. AnswerIA helps you grow your business. Improve your average rating and keep your company profile up to date.

positive customer review

Customer confidence

Respond to all comments. Whether the Google customer review is positive or negative. Ensure quality service to build customer trust and brand credibility.

in-store customers

Drive to store

Improve the quality of your brand image on rating sites. Increase the number of customers who visit, call and buy from your website.

Respond to every customer review, in just a few moments

Answer IA helps you respond to every customer review from Google, TrustPilot, TripAdvisor and more. Our tool suggests a personalized response within seconds. All you have to do is check and publish the suggested response.

All reviews received on your platforms receive a personalized response. It only takes a few minutes to publish a mass response. We can help you reduce the amount of work involved in customer reviews.

Ensure your brand's credibility. Stay consistent with your commitment to customer service. But don't let your staff spend all their time on it.

Datakeen - Customer feedback management
Google customer review management

Provide the right answers

Tailor your responses to provide a consistent customer experience across all your communications.

Thanks to extensive training on recurring reviews for different sectors, our AI responds precisely to each customer review. Hotels, restaurants, marketplaces, banks, supermarkets, stores, etc. Our AI uses verbatims adapted to your field.

We tailor the answers we provide to show empathy and understanding. AnswerIA make sure that the answers we provide are adapted to the customer's feelings.

AnswerIA attaches great importance to your brand image. We provide additional elements based on this brand image. In this way, suggested answers match your specifications in terms of tone, vocabulary and context.

Boost your e-reputation and your drive-to-store

You want to ensure the satisfaction of your customers and build a relationship of trust with them. Responding to each and every customer review is now an essential part of proving your good faith.

Responding to online customer reviews attracts new consumers. It shows you care about providing quality service. That you take into account the reviews left, including bad reviews from unhappy or dissatisfied customers.

Today, more than 88% of consumers claim to consult comments before making a purchase. Increase your visibility with AnswerIA. Improve your online reputation. Boost the number of customers visiting your store and your conversion rate.

Positive customer review

Your answer, ready to send

Customer feedback

When a customer writes a review (positive or negative) on one of your platforms, this customer review is centralized on our tool.

Writing a response

A personalized response is then drafted by our AI. It takes into account your brand image and the desired tone.

Text verification

One of your employees, in charge of customer relations, can check and modify the answer if necessary.

Publication of response

With just a few clicks, all proposed answers can be published on the various platforms.

Let's get started together, right now!

kpi analysis customer opinion

Visualize feedback KPIs

Analyzing customer reviews across all your locations can be complex. And yet, it is possible to gain valuable customer insight. These elements are often the starting and measuring points for companies' action plans.

AnswerIA's KPI visualization interface makes it possible to analyze these customer reviews. In this way, we help the companies we work with to understand the friction points felt by their consumers.

In this way, concrete action plans can be put in place. Our customers can then focus their customer service on reducing dissatisfaction and boosting their NPS.

Find out more about customer reviews

Ready to deliver an

Our experts are available to present our customer review management solution and its benefits for your teams and your company.

Frequently asked questions

Management of customer reviews

There are many ways to encourage customers to leave a review. You can opt for one of the following:

  • A few e-mails to ask for positive feedback following a purchase in a store or on your e-commerce site.
  • Fast, efficient customer service, followed by a simple request for a positive review on Google.
  • Etc.

To prevent customer frustration from escalating, respond quickly to negative customer reviews. An unhappy customer and/or a very negative review can be destructive for your business.

Show empathy and express your regret. Don't forget to invite him or her into the discussion to find out more about the problems he or she has encountered. This may also change his or her mind about the bad comment.

Once you've gained access to our SaaS platform, we'll guide you through a step-by-step onboarding process. During this, you'll be asked to log in to your various Google Business accounts so that we can access them. Once the configuration is complete, you'll be able to take immediate advantage of our customer relationship management solution.

Customer review response tools enable you to respond quickly and keep to the same guidelines. Our tool doesn't get bored or tired: it responds professionally to all customer reviews. Datakeen saves you time and energy, while delivering a consistently optimal customer experience. At the same time, these platforms help you to better understand your qualities and areas for improvement with precise anaylses and comparisons between reviews.

Customer reviews are highly valued by users, who place more trust in brands with good ratings. As a result, users launch more itineraries, visit the website more easily and call more frequently to shops with good reviews. As a result, these brands move up the search pages and gain ever greater visibility.

Our customer review management tool supports the following platforms: Google Business, TripAdvisor and Trustpilot.

However, on request and for specific projects, it is possible to integrate and collect testimonials from a third-party information system.