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Automatic text editing

Our tool writes texts and suggests paragraphs and answers adapted to your brand's image, the nature of the text entered, the question asked or the comment published.


time saved in writing texts and answers


of success in suggesting texts and answers


personalized and empathetic texts

How does it work?

Select the desired settings from your user interface. Adjust the tone and specify your brand image. Add sample texts and answers to allow our solution to generate custom texts.
Once the messages are sorted according to their nature, our solution generates personalized responses and texts.
Once the messages are sorted according to their nature, our solution generates personalized responses and texts.
Your employees connect to our customer service management tool. They can validate or modify the suggested answers. Texts and answers with a satisfactory success rate can be validated automatically.

Our integrated solutions

Our integrated solutions bring together different functionalities to perform more complex work.


Management of customer reviews

Send a quick and relevant response to each customer review.


Customer relations

Email management and assignment

Forward emails internally and take advantage of our suggested responses.



Management of product sheets

Take advantage of suggestions to update your product sheets.

Our integrated customer relationship management solutions help you optimize your communication. Respond to all your emails and comments to improve customer satisfaction.