Home 5 Capabilities 5 Intelligent vision and image analysis 5 Identification of objects and persons

Identification of objects and people

We quickly identify objects, products, people and places that appear in a photo or video. Our software can distinguish colors, materials and shapes to locate a specific model.


Live video stream identification

< 50

training images required


Barcode/product reconciliation

How does it work?

Add photos to our system or connect your cameras to our API. Select pre-recorded templates or add specific images to train our tool on new samples.

Datakeen analyzes the images and video streams received. The various elements are identified and we check their correspondence with the recorded images.

Datakeen analyzes the images and video streams received. The various elements are identified and we check their correspondence with the recorded images.

Our user interface displays results live, so you can take action in seconds. Information is organized and tagged for storage in your database.

Our integrated solutions

Our integrated solutions bring together different functionalities to perform more complex work.

Supply Chain

Supply chain audit

Automate proof of shipment and delivery.


Supply Chain

Inventory management

Automated inventory management and live product tracking



Document processing

Capture important information from your documents.


Our integrated image and video analysis solutions help you optimize your visual inspections. Improve audit and security efficiency.