Customer experience managementKundenerlebnis-Management


Digitization is multiplying customer contact points and placing the sacrosanct customer experience at the heart of all interactions. New entrants in retail, telephony, banking, insurance and B2B services are offering products and services whose differentiation is based on an exceptional, exclusively digital customer experience.




As these interactions increase, so does the volume of associated data: e-mails, tweets, surveys, requests, complaints, proposals, suggestions. In order to implement action plans that draw on all this feedback and put the user at the heart of their actions, companies need to take a close look at this data.


Datakeen enables you to read, understand and classify customer feedback from text or voice, visualize the associated action plans and track their evolution over time.


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Digitalization multiplies customer contact points and places the sacred customer experience at the heart of interactions. New entrants in retail, telephony, banking, insurance or B2B services are offering offers whose differentiation is based on an exceptional exclusively digital customer experience.




With the increase in these interactions, the volume of associated data is increased tenfold: emails, tweets, surveys, requests, complaints, proposals, suggestions. In order to put in place action plans that build on all these feedback and put the user at the center of their actions, companies must address this data.


Datakeen allows you to read, understand and classify customer feedback from text or voice, visualize the associated action plans and monitor their evolution over time.


Interested? Let's discuss your issues and ask for a demo.

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Die Digitalisierung vervielfacht die Kundenkontaktpunkte und stellt das heilige Kundenerlebnis in den Mittelpunkt der Interaktionen. Neueinsteiger in den Bereichen Einzelhandel, Telefonie, Banken, Versicherungen oder B2B bieten Angebote an, deren Differenzierung auf einem außergewöhnlichen, ausschließlich digitalen Kundenerlebnis basiert.




Mit der Zunahme dieser Interaktionen verzehnfacht sich das Volumen der zugehörigen Daten: E-Mails, Tweets, Umfragen, Anfragen, Beschwerden, Vorschläge, Anregungen. Um Aktionspläne aufzustellen, die auf all diesen Rückmeldungen aufbauen und den Nutzer in den Mittelpunkt seines Handelns stellen, müssen sich Unternehmen mit diesen Daten befassen.


Datakeen ermöglicht es Ihnen, Kundenfeedback aus Text oder Sprache zu lesen, zu verstehen und zu klassifizieren, die zugehörigen Aktionspläne zu visualisieren und deren Entwicklung im Zeitablauf zu überwachen.



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