Home 5 Document processing

Doc Check - Document processing

Check document authenticity and capture key information. Doc Check classifies and authenticates documents, then automatically extracts key data. Save your teams time with AI-based document processing.

Datakeen document processing
documents datakeen

All documents

Datakeen takes care of all your documents, even the most specific ones. Our AI Studio tool lets you process your customized documents.

datakeen precision


Doc Check checks the authenticity of your documents. Our AI is trained to quickly recognize even the most sophisticated fraud attempts.

datakeen speed

Instant results

Our models have been trained on thousands of documents. We offer instantaneous response.

customizable datakeen platform

100% customizable

The AI platform lets you customize your processes and analyses. Our high level of adaptability comes with full integration.

They trust us

Datakeen partners - Enedis
BNP Paribas
Air Liquide - Datakeen
Atlantic Group
Total Energy

A solution tailored to your needs

sorting and classification


Sort documents by type. Our AI identifies the type of each document before modifying the name and folder in which it is stored.

quality control


Make sure the document has not been altered. We check specific control points for each document to detect fraud.

text information


Save information in digital format. Our OCR software identifies characters to extract text from documents, manuscripts and typescripts.

Automate document processing

Doc Check automates document processing from A to Z. Benefit from precise document classification. Check authenticity in seconds. Record all the information it contains.

Our tool enables you to maximize the efficiency of your document management. Our state-of-the-art artificial intelligence combines optical character recognition (OCR) and automated document processing (IDP).

Build 100% automated document processing workflows. Doc Check recognizes thousands of document types, including: ID documents, RIBs, invoices, certificates, etc.

Document processing platform
Checking information

Capture important information

Manually transcribing information from a document takes time! It adds to your employees' workload and slows down your users' experience. Typing errors also creep in between the lines.

Doc Check does all the work for you. Our AI detects important information on scanned documents. Our tool then identifies the nature of the information before returning it in structured format for addition to your database.

Datakeen AI excels in data extraction from document streams. Handwritten texts digitized from any paper document benefit from an exceptional success rate.

Check document authenticity

The documents you receive may have been altered. Checking for such falsifications can be more complex than it seems. It requires precise knowledge of :

  • The security features of the document in question.
  • Data linked to other documents.

This is how a payslip can be checked against a tax notice.

Doc Check brings it all together! Our AI is based on algorithmic rules and advanced training to detect fraud attempts. Automatically ensure document authenticity and information conformity. Reduce fraud in just seconds.

Authentic document processing
Easy zen document processing

Increase the efficiency of your teams

Document processing, and in particular document control, is extremely time-consuming and bureaucratic. It requires a considerable investment of time. Datakeen lets you automate this task, so you don't have to.

Our hybrid solution enables us to meet the specific needs of each customer. Documents that don't pass our anti-fraud security criteria are checked in a hybrid way.


  • By your teams: You can take control of a few documents when our AI is in doubt.
  • From our experts: Call on our experts and free your staff from document processing.

Up to 20 times faster than manual processing

Datakeen Doc Check platform screens

Process all your documents in just a few moments

Our document processing tool classifies, authenticates and extracts information. Doc Check AI is an expert in fraud detection and data extraction. We help our customers free themselves from repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

Let's get started together, right now!

DocCheck for all your documents

Take advantage of our document library: Doc Check's AI is already trained on thousands of document types. So you can start using the tool straight away. We guarantee a high success rate for classification, authentication and information extraction. Please contact us to find out more.

Use Doc Check for your customized documents: Use our Studio tool to build your own classifier. After a short training session, you'll be able to sort your company-specific documents.

Our platform is already available: Take advantage of the Doc Check SaaS platform to start automating document processing today!

Benefit from full integration: Your API keys are available in the administration area. They will enable you to integrate Doc Check into your tools. Need support? Our experts can advise you.

Datakeen platform integration

Find out more about document processing

Ready to take advantage of document processing?

Our experts are available to show you our document processing platform, and its benefits for your teams and your company.

Frequently asked questions

Document processing

It is not possible to add automations from our platform. However, API keys are available to connect our document processing tool. This makes it easy for you to build automations using the services of third-party platforms or developers.

Administrative documents are often standardized (they have the same format and meet the same criteria). Our tool lets you easily model your standardized documents. You can then use it to classify, authenticate and extract information from your own documents. Process all your administrative documents in this way.

Documents that don't meet our tool's identification criteria, and those with inconsistencies, are discarded. You then have three options: request a human verification by Datakeen, carry out the verification yourself, or reject the document and return a failure message. It's up to you to select the option you feel is best suited to dealing with unrecognized documents.

Document archiving involves preserving documents for possible future use. Our document processing solution, backed up by a document management tool, will help you to easily search through all your archives. We always indicate the type of document and extract the information. This makes it very easy to find a phrase or a document.

It is entirely possible to connect to our services via API. If you're working with developers, we'll give them all the connection information they need. If you don't, we'll be happy to work with you to provide a customized solution integrated with your existing tools.

Our platform includes role management. This means you can easily integrate our platform into your employees' business processes. Access rights to the Datakeen platform can be modified from your administrator interface. What's more, as an administrator, you'll have access to the document flow.

Of course, after a short training period (a few dozen examples), our artificial intelligences will be able to recognize your documents and the fields of importance. The information will then be saved like any other document, and you'll be able to access it in the same way.

Document processing platforms like Datakeen enable you to control documents and record their information in a very short time. This means you can process several thousand documents a day. What's more, you benefit from high accuracy and avoid typos and human error.

Your data is totally secure and can only be accessed by you. We do not use your documents or the information they contain to train our tools. If you wish to further enhance the security of your data, we offer the option of storing it on French servers.