Home 5 Age verification

IDify - Age verification

Check the age of your customers at a distance or at the point of sale. IDify detects age from a photo. Comply with regulations on the protection of minors online. Guarantee the anonymity of your customers and users. Fight fraud and identity theft with Datakeen.

IDify age verification
Datakeen fast identity verification

Live results

Verify your customers' ages live. Receive an instant response when your customers or you verify their age.



Allow your customers to verify their identity independently. Customize your deposit interface at any time.

age estimation datakeen

Control selfie

Check the age of your customers live. Our AI provides an accurate age estimate based on a facial photo.

Datakeen alert platform

Tracking & Alerts

Non-conforming verifications are flagged for a posteriori control. Follow current analyses on your Datakeen space.

They trust us

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Air Liquide - Datakeen
Atlantic Group
Total Energy

Identity verification tailored to your needs

Major minor control

18+ control

Make sure your customers are old enough to use your services. Comply with the regulations in force for your industry.

Datakeen fraud detection

Fight against fraud

Improve the accuracy of your anti-fraud processes. Check the consistency between the estimated age on a selfie and the age indicated on the ID document.

age estimation datakeen

ID-free control

Verify your customers' age without asking for ID. Our AI estimates age using a facial photo portrait.

Virtual and physical control

Check the age of your customers and give them an approval or refusal in real time.

  • Remotely: following a photo selfie from their smartphone or web browser.
  • At the point of sale: thanks to a photo or video of their face on the payment or gaming terminal.

Our tool can be installed on virtual or physical spaces. Check the age of your website users. Also check the age of customers when they sit down at a table or machine.

Take advantage of IDify's easy installation and integration. Check people's age using a photo or video stream.

Age 18+
Remote age control

Reduce friction

Check the age of your customers without adding unnecessary steps. IDify checks the age of your customers when they take the control selfie. Our AI detects whether users are old enough to use your services.

Biometric age verification provides precise, frictionless control. Underage users are blocked in real time. Your customers enjoy a smooth, pleasant experience.

Comply with regulations on the protection of minors with our age verification tool. IDify enables you to check the age of your users accurately and automatically.

Check your age, anonymously

IDify checks the age of your customers without requiring ID verification. Our biometric AI tool estimates the age of your customers based on a photo of their face.

Guarantee your customers' anonymity while checking their eligibility for your service. The photos used for the check can be recorded, if necessary, in compliance with RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation). In this way, we ensure that your customers' privacy is respected.

The data stored is only accessible from your account. It is encrypted using advanced encryption techniques. We ensure that your customers' personal data is protected at all times.

Anonymous age control

Control age while maintaining fluidity

Age verification course

Control age without compromising the customer experience

Our identity verification process can include age verification. No additional steps are required to avoid unnecessary friction.

Let's get started together, right now!

Integrate IDify on your platforms

Deploy IDify age estimation very quickly!

In just a few minutes: Use our age verification tool in just a few minutes. Send links to your customers by email or SMS for easy access. Add our interfaces to your product in Iframe.

In just a few days: Your API keys are available from your Datakeen administration interface. Our technical team can help you develop a customized interface.

Datakeen platform integration

Find out more about age verification

Ready to optimize age verification?

Our experts are available to show you our age verification tool. Ensure the fluidity of your customer journey while controlling the age of your users.

Frequently asked questions

Age verification

An age verification system allows you to check age from a distance. Use a photo portrait to check whether your customer is :

  • Major
  • Minor
  • Student
  • Retired
  • etc.

Age estimation tools allow you to check whether your customer is of legal age. The use of artificial intelligence means that your customer's personal data is secure, and you don't have to ask for any form of identification. In this way, you can verify the age of your customers while guaranteeing their anonymity.

Checking your customer's age by means of a photo portrait enables you to reinforce identity checks. You can check that the age indicated on identity documents corresponds to the estimated age. This additional check strengthens your company's security and helps combat online fraud.