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Checking planograms

Check the layout of each product on the shelf. Gain bargaining power and choose your locations more agilely.

Sales gains

Make sure your products are always visible and within reach of customers

Time saving

Save your sales force time by checking each planogram in less than 10s

Performance monitoring

Track the performance of each product according to its positioning

Is it for you?

Carefully checking planograms in-store takes up a considerable amount of sales staff's time. Our solution verifies the position of products and variations in a matter of seconds. Store KPIs are instantly updated to facilitate negotiation.

How does it work?

You add the planograms and take photos or videos of the shelf.
Our tool identifies your products and checks their layout
Our visualization interface helps you place products quickly
Store KPIs are updated and a detailed report is provided


purchasing decisions are based on the position of items on the shelves

Why choose Datakeen?

Datakeen helps you precisely monitor planogram compliance. Ensure the visibility of your products while strengthening the negotiating arguments of your sales force.

Check the layout of each shelf, gondola or POP unit in a matter of seconds

Marking of incorrectly positioned products for rapid replacement

Performance tracking for each store, location and product

Comparing positioning strategies to boost your sales

Learn more about our features

Learn more about our features

Intelligent vision

Object identification

Identify your objects and products on your video stream. Our software distinguishes colors, materials and shapes to identify a specific model.
Intelligent vision

Motion tracking

Track moving objects using your camera network. We track each product and follow its movements in real time.
Intelligent vision

Counting objects

Differentiate and count your products from a video feed. View the results in real time from our user interface.