Online customer onboarding: Keys to success for insurance companies

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Banking & Insurance, Identity verification

In an increasingly digital world, online customer onboarding has become an essential element for insurance companies. Indeed, it enables them to offer an optimal customer experience. To remain competitive in a constantly evolving sector, insurance companies need to rethink their traditional processes. They must adapt to new consumer expectations.


In this article, we explore the benefits of online onboarding in the insurance sector. We will highlight the lessons learned from insurtechs. These are the very companies that have succeeded in creating a powerful and satisfying customer experience. Then, we'll dive into the key techniques for successfully implementing digital customer onboarding. We'll focus on aspects such as online identity verification and KYC rules that shouldn't be overlooked. Finally, we'll discover how technology tools and digital marketing levers can be exploited. And above all, how these tools can enrich customer relations while improving operational efficiency.


Follow us as we explore the digital transformation of customer onboarding in insurance. Discover how to reinvent customer relationship management in the digital age.


The benefits of online customer onboarding for insurance companies


The changing insurance landscape and the role of insurtechs


The world of insurance has undergone significant change in recent years. The advent of new technologies and the rise of insurtechs have turned the sector on its head. These fully digitalized insurance startups have succeeded in setting themselves apart by offering a fluid, fast and personalized customer experience. Their innovative approach has challenged the traditional models of the major insurance companies and revealed the importance of online customer onboarding.

Insurtechs understand that first impressions are essential to winning the trust and loyalty of customers. By offering a simplified, intuitive onboarding process, they succeed in capturing consumers' attention right from the start. This positive first experience is part of a global approach to improving the customer experience throughout the purchasing process and beyond.


The benefits of a satisfying digital customer experience


A satisfactory online customer experience can translate into considerable benefits for insurance companies. First and foremost, it fosters loyalty among existing customers, who appreciate the simplicity and speed of online procedures. Studies show that satisfied customers are more inclined to renew their insurance contracts. They also recommend the insurer to friends and family.


Attracting new customers

Secondly, the adoption of digitalized customer onboarding enables insurers to reach new customer segments. Digital natives prefer online channels for their interactions with brands. By meeting the expectations of this connected generation, insurance companies can broaden their customer base. In this way, they can ensure their long-term survival in a constantly evolving market.


Operating costs

Improving the online customer experience also has a positive impact on operational cost management. By automating part of the onboarding process, insurance companies can :

  • Reduce administrative burdens.
  • Optimize their resources.
  • Allocate more time and resources to higher value-added tasks.


A competitive advantage

Finally, the digital customer experience offers a significant competitive advantage. At a time when insurers are vying to stand out from the crowd, the quality of customer onboarding can make all the difference. A smooth, pleasant experience can convince potential customers to choose one insurance company over another.


Lessons learned from insurtechs


To make a successful transition to online onboarding, insurance companies can draw inspiration from the best practices implemented by insurtechs. Here are a few lessons to remember:


Simplifying the customer experience:

Insurtechs have understood the importance of reducing the steps and friction in the onboarding process. These companies :

  • Offer concise registration forms.
  • Use optical character recognition (OCR) technologies to facilitate data entry.
  • Avoid redundant requests.

A user-centered approach, with a focus on ease of use, is essential to capture customers' attention right from the start.


Personalizing the customer experience:

Insurtechs harness available data to deliver a personalized experience for every customer. They use artificial intelligence and data analysis to understand customers' specific needs. This enables them to offer products and services tailored to each situation. Personalization strengthens customer commitment and creates a lasting bond of trust.


Safety and regulatory compliance :

Insurtechs have proven that it is possible to guarantee data security while complying with KYC and other regulatory requirements. Insurance companies must now adopt a proactive approach. Their mission is to ensure the protection of customers' personal information while complying with current standards.


Integration of innovative technologies:

Insurtechs take full advantage of digital technologies such as Big Data and artificial intelligence. This enables them to offer an optimized onboarding process. The integration of these technologies can speed up validation and underwriting times, improve the customer experience and boost the insurer's competitiveness.


Key steps to effective online customer onboarding in the insurance industry


Online identity verification


Online identity verification is a crucial step in digitalized customer onboarding in the insurance industry. It aims to ensure the authenticity of the customer's identity. This helps prevent fraud and comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) rules set by regulatory authorities. This step must be carried out rigorously, while remaining fluid and non-intrusive for the customer.

For effective online identity verification, insurance companies can adopt a number of innovative technological approaches. These include :


Optical character recognition (OCR) :

This technology automatically scans and extracts information from an identity document. An ID card or passport is preferred. Using OCR, customers can simply take a photo of their ID with their smartphone. In this way, OCR technology greatly simplifies the onboarding process.


Biometric verification :

The use of biometrics, such as facial recognition or fingerprinting, enhances the security of identity verification. Insurance companies can integrate these features into their mobile applications or online platforms. Biometric verification enhances security while delivering a seamless customer experience.


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning :

AI can be used to analyze documents and automatically detect signs of forgery or manipulation. Thanks to machine learning, systems can continuously improve by identifying new forms of fraud.


KYC rules not to be overlooked


KYC regulations are essential to guarantee the financial and legal security of insurance companies. They require the collection and verification of information relating to the identity and financial situation of customers. Failure to comply with these rules can result in severe penalties, including substantial fines. Such sanctions can damage the insurer's reputation.

To avoid the risk of non-compliance, insurance companies need to implement rigorous, well-defined processes for collecting and verifying customer data. Here are a few points to consider:


Data collection and verification :

Insurers need to gather precise information on the customer's identity, address, professional activity and financial situation. It is also essential to cross-check this information with reliable sources, such as official registers.


Continuous monitoring :

KYC compliance is not limited to the initial onboarding stage. Insurance companies must also continuously monitor customer activities. They are responsible for detecting any suspicious behavior or significant changes in their profile.


Training and awareness :

Employees involved in the onboarding process must be properly trained on KYC rules and procedures to follow in the event of red flags. Raising awareness of the importance of compliance must be a priority within the company.


A proactive approach to identity verification and KYC compliance is now essential. In this way, insurance companies can minimize the risk of fraud and fines. What's more, it helps them build customer confidence in their commitment to security and compliance.


Automate customer onboarding processes


An automated onboarding process is a powerful lever for insurance companies seeking to optimize their operational efficiency and reduce processing times. Thanks to automation, repetitive manual tasks are replaced by technological solutions. New technologies enable teams to concentrate on higher value-added activities.

Here are some key areas where automation can be implemented to improve online customer onboarding in insurance:


Forms and document management :

Automation simplifies the collection of customer information by providing dynamic, adaptive forms. Customers can provide the required data intuitively, and the necessary documents can be uploaded and checked automatically.


Identity check :

The use of technologies such as OCR and facial recognition enables customers' identities to be verified quickly and accurately, without the need for manual intervention.


Risk analysis :

Automation can also be applied to risk analysis. This automatically assesses the financial situation and needs of customers. In this way, insurance companies can offer products tailored to each profile.


Customized communication :

The implementation of an automated process also enables personalized messages to be sent to customers throughout the onboarding process. The result is a consistent, reassuring experience for every user.


By automating these processes, insurance companies can reduce errors. They can speed up account activation times and improve team efficiency. The result is a smoother, more pleasant customer experience.


Personalizing the customer experience


Personalizing the customer experience is another key to successful online insurance onboarding. By using available data, insurance companies can offer tailor-made products and services. This allows them to respond to the specific needs of each customer.

Here's how insurers can implement personalization as part of digital customer onboarding:


Customer data analysis :

Customer data is a mine of valuable information. By analyzing purchasing behavior, preferences and past interactions, insurers can better understand their customers and anticipate their needs.


Personalized recommendations :

Thanks to data analysis, insurance companies can offer products and services tailored to customers' specific profiles and needs.


Targeted communication :

Personalization also extends to customer communication. Messages and content can be tailored according to each customer's preferences, boosting engagement and satisfaction.


Follow-up and loyalty :

Personalization is not limited to initial onboarding. Insurance companies can continue to personalize interactions with their customers throughout their entire customer journey. To do so, they need to offer follow-up tailored to their customers' needs, as well as tailor-made loyalty programs.


Personalizing the customer experience creates a strong bond with customers, reinforcing their commitment and fostering loyalty. It also gives insurers a competitive edge by offering differentiated services in an increasingly competitive market.


Technological tools for online customer onboarding


To implement effective online customer onboarding, insurance companies can draw on a range of technological tools tailored to their needs. Here are some of these tools and their role in the onboarding process:


Online identity verification solutions :

Online identity verification platforms use advanced technologies to ensure the authenticity of information provided by customers. These solutions can be integrated directly into insurers' applications or websites, providing a seamless and secure experience for customers.


Customer onboarding automation software :

Automation software enables the entire onboarding process to be managed efficiently and consistently. They simplify administrative tasks, reduce processing times and improve team productivity.


CRM (Customer Relationship Management) :

CRM systems are essential for optimal customer relationship management. They centralize customer information, facilitate personalized communication and track interactions throughout the customer journey.


Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analysis:

AI and data analytics are major assets for insurers seeking to harness customer information intelligently. These technologies make it possible to anticipate customer needs, propose targeted offers and make informed customer relationship management decisions.


The judicious use of these technological tools enables insurance companies to gain in agility, improve their operational efficiency and offer an optimal digital customer experience.


The challenges of successful online customer onboarding


Security and confidentiality of customer data


When it comes to digital customer onboarding, data security and confidentiality are critical issues. Insurance companies handle sensitive information, such as customers' personal, financial and medical data. A breach in security can have disastrous consequences, from loss of customer confidence to potential legal action.

To meet this challenge, insurance companies need to implement robust security measures at every stage of the onboarding process. Here are a few best practices to consider:


Data encryption :

All sensitive data must be encrypted to protect it from theft or hacking.


Two-factor authentication :

Two-factor authentication strengthens account security by requiring customers to provide a second proof of identity, usually a code sent to their cell phone, when logging into their account.


Access management :

Limit access to sensitive data to employees who really need it, and implement appropriate access controls to prevent information leakage.


Employee awareness :

Regularly train employees in security best practices and potential risks, to reinforce their vigilance in the face of potential threats.


By taking proactive steps to ensure data security and confidentiality, insurance companies can inspire confidence in their customers. In so doing, they reinforce their reputation for protecting personal information.


The importance of human support despite digitalization


Although the digitalization of customer onboarding offers many advantages, it is essential not to overlook the importance of human support throughout the customer journey. The human aspect is a decisive factor in building a relationship of trust and closeness with customers.

Here's how insurance companies can integrate human support into their online customer onboarding approach:


Customer service available :

Ensuring the availability of responsive and competent customer service is essential to address customers' questions and concerns, particularly in the early stages of onboarding.


Online chat support :

Offering online chat support enables customers to communicate quickly with an advisor, get instant answers and resolve problems quickly.


Customized interaction :

Advisors can personalize their interactions with customers using the information available on their profile, reinforcing the feeling of consideration and special attention.


Proactive follow-up :

Proactive customer follow-up ensures that everything goes according to plan and that customers are satisfied with their onboarding experience.


Human support does not replace digitalization, but rather complements it to deliver a harmonious, integrated customer experience. By combining technology and human interaction, insurance companies can create a unique and memorable customer experience.




Online customer onboarding in insurance represents a major challenge for modern insurance companies. Thanks to this digital transformation, they can offer their customers a fluid, personalized and secure experience from the very first interaction. By learning from insurtechs and meeting the challenges of data security and confidentiality, insurers can stand out in a highly competitive market.


However, despite digitalization, the importance of human support should not be overlooked. By combining technology and personalized interactions, insurance companies can create a unique and memorable customer experience. In conclusion, digital customer onboarding in the insurance industry opens up new prospects for improving the customer experience and standing out in a constantly evolving market.


Identity check

Automate onboarding with our solution

Frequently asked questions

To ensure the security of customer data during digital onboarding, it is essential to implement security measures. These include data encryption and two-factor authentication.

The benefits of digital customer onboarding in insurance are numerous. They include greater operational efficiency, an optimized customer experience, enhanced security and a personalized offer.

Digital customer onboarding in insurance refers to the process of digitally integrating new customers into an insurance company. It offers a fluid, personalized experience from the very first interaction.