AI improves accuracy, reduces processing time and minimizes human error.

AI analyzes behavioral patterns and historical data to identify anomalies and suspicious behavior.

Garantie Loyers Impayés (GLI) insurance protects landlords against the risk of non-payment of rent by tenants.

In the event of fraud, you need to monitor and document all suspicious activity, place a fraud alert with your bank, file a complaint with the authorities, and inform all relevant parties, such as insurance companies and government agencies.

Common types include financial usurpation, social security and tax usurpation, medical usurpation, and criminal usurpation.

Identity theft is the theft and use of a person's personal information to commit fraud. This can include opening accounts, making fraudulent purchases, and more.

No, to share your data under Open Banking legislation, players must have obtained your explicit consent. What's more, the RGPD strengthens your rights and security when it comes to personal information.

It fosters innovation, improves financial services and stimulates competition. It has enabled the construction of products around the banking and financial ecosystem. Particularly in budget management, wealth management, investment, etc.

Open Banking enables banking data to be shared securely with third parties via APIs. A requirement made mandatory by European regulations DSP2 and then DSP3.

Financial fraud involves illegal acts aimed at deceiving or stealing funds, assets or confidential information. This can include document fraud, identity theft, and payment and transfer fraud. AI can help prevent this particularly dangerous type of fraud.

Also known as CEO fraud, this technique involves the perpetrator posing as a company executive. The aim is to request urgent and confidential money transfers.

Behavioral analysis tracks transactions in real time to spot unusual or suspicious actions. For example, a large purchase abroad with no travel history may trigger a fraud alert.

SCA strong authentication requires double verification for online payments over €30, combining at least two elements: password, secret code or fingerprint.

Open Banking enables consumers to share their financial data with third-party providers, fostering innovation and the emergence of new financial services.

PSD2 is a European directive designed to modernize and secure online payments, introducing strict standards such as strong authentication and Open Banking.

At Datakeen, we have identified 6 key elements that must be checked to identify a fake ID:

  • Document support
  • Personal information
  • The identity number
  • Safety features
  • The MRZ belt
  • Any manufacturing error

Verifying a person's identity online requires a number of checks.

  1. First of all, you need to check your identity card, electronic passport or residence permit.
  2. Next, a photo or video of the face must be taken to check that the person in question actually holds the document. This step is often referred to as Facematch, ID-Face Check, Liveness Check, etc.
  3. Finally, we check external databases to verify whether the person is politically exposed or on a sanctions list.

A direct link to the Google review submission page makes it easy for you to add a customer review. It's a technique for increasing the number of reviews on your Google Business listing. This improves your visibility on SERPs and Google Maps, as well as your credibility with Internet users.

Go to your Google Business space, go to the list of customer reviews. You'll find a "Collect reviews" button, click on it. This will open a page with a direct deposit link. Share this link.

Real estate professionals are obliged to verify the identity of future tenants or owners. Here are the required documents:

  • For individuals: check the ID and make a copy of the card if necessary.
  • For legal entities: The real estate agent must check the company's KBIS.

When requesting a rental file, the landlord may require one or more proofs of income from the following list of supporting documents:

  • Last tax assessment
  • Title deeds
  • Property tax notice
  • Notice of award
  • Certificate of housing benefit (CAF)
  • Pay slips
  • Proof of payment of benefits (internship, pension, etc.)
  • Balance sheet or statement of income, KBIS

The proof of address certifies that the person lives in the place mentioned. A utility bill (water, electricity, gas, internet) can be used to confirm this. The name of the owner of the contract, linked to the address given, must correspond to the information provided. In some cases, an affidavit may be required to show that a member of the same household is staying at the address given. It is generally assumed that the invoice supplied is less than 3 months old.

When you automate customer onboarding with Datakeen, our AI authenticates official documents in real time. It verifies the various checkpoints present on identity documents and uses advanced training to detect any falsification of these documents. This guarantees the integrity of your registration processes.

Datakeen's automated onboarding is designed to simplify identity verification for your customers when they sign up. Our AI remotely authenticates credentials by verifying correspondence with added credentials, strengthening your company's security against fraud and identity theft.

Selfie or video control is essential for strengthening your company's security, especially if you operate in the financial, banking or insurance sectors. After adding their identity document, users are invited to take a photo or video of themselves. Our artificial intelligence checks that these images match the photo of the official document, reducing the risk of identity theft.

Insurance identity verification tools include :

  • Comparison of personal data.
  • Analysis of identity documents.
  • Biometric verification (fingerprints, facial recognition).
  • Use of external databases to confirm the authenticity of information.

Using these tools, insurance companies can verify the identity of policyholders and ensure that claims are consistent with available information. This detects fraud attempts and prevents claims based on false identities, helping to reduce fraud-related costs and maintain the integrity of the insurance industry.

Preventing insurance fraud is essential to maintaining the integrity of the industry and avoiding increased insurance costs for all policyholders. Dishonest practices such as misrepresentation and fraud have serious financial consequences and affect the reputation of insurance companies.

Our document classification tool is compatible with a variety of document types, including text documents, PDF files, spreadsheets, presentations, e-mails and more. As long as the content can be extracted and analyzed, our tool can classify it. It's designed to be versatile and adaptable to a variety of document formats commonly used in business.

Our document classification tool uses machine learning techniques to analyze the content of your documents. It extracts key information from the text, such as keywords, subjects and named entities. Using this information, the tool assigns relevant categories or tags to documents, enabling them to be organized efficiently.

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology for converting physical documents or text images into editable text. Document OCR is the process of converting visual data into digital text. This means that you can take an image of a printed or handwritten document and use OCR software to extract the text from that image, enabling you to copy, edit or search it just like any other text.

OCR and document ocrization are widely used in many applications. Common examples include :

  1. Document scanning: Convert paper documents into digital files for better management and retrieval.
  2. Character recognition on invoices and receipts: Extraction of key information for accounting and expense management.
  3. Automatic translation: OCR makes it easy to translate printed documents into another language.
  4. Archiving and document management: Storage and organization of paper documents in digital form.
  5. Accessibility: Make printed documents accessible to the visually impaired by converting text into audio format.

Make sure that your national identity card number is correct in terms of length and generation, by checking the official rules for issuing the card.

When checking, look for features such as watermarks, holograms, microtext, precise perforations and microchips to guarantee the card's authenticity.

Online verification of identity cards is crucial in preventing fraud and identity theft, ensuring the security of online transactions and activities.

Email routing is the transfer of emails received in a shared inbox to the inbox of a specific person.

Providing customers with a precise, relevant and responsive response makes for a smoother customer journey. They can move through the purchasing process more quickly and smoothly.

There are a number of ways to distribute emails among collaborators:

  • Customer portfolio approach: Each employee is responsible for a customer portfolio. They deal with the emails sent by these customers, whatever the subject of the email.
  • Domain approach: Emails are divided up according to each person's area of expertise. The company is divided into sectors (customer service, product, etc.).
  • Mixed approach: Each sales rep is responsible for transactional emails for the customers in his or her portfolio. Other emails are distributed by domain.

Automate email routing with an email management tool. This will save you a lot of time and help you respond quickly to all your emails and customers.

Checking your customer's age by means of a photo portrait enables you to reinforce identity checks. You can check that the age indicated on identity documents corresponds to the estimated age. This additional check strengthens your company's security and helps combat online fraud.

Age estimation tools allow you to check whether your customer is of legal age. The use of artificial intelligence means that your customer's personal data is secure, and you don't have to ask for any form of identification. In this way, you can verify the age of your customers while guaranteeing their anonymity.

An age verification system allows you to check age from a distance. Use a photo portrait to check whether your customer is :

  • Major
  • Minor
  • Student
  • Retired
  • etc.
  1. Log in to your Google My Business account.
  2. Select the establishment you wish to validate.
  3. In the plant dashboard, look for the "Check now" option or a similar message.
  4. Choose the verification method you prefer, such as verification by post, telephone, e-mail or instant verification if your company is eligible.
  5. Follow the instructions specific to the method you have chosen.
  6. Once verified, your business listing will be validated and you'll be able to manage your business information on Google My Business.

Yes, Google My Business lets you manage multiple locations from a single account. You can add and manage listings for all your outlets or establishments from a single dashboard, simplifying the management of your online presence.

Yes, Google My Business is completely free. You can create and manage your business listing, respond to reviews, add photos, and benefit from Google visibility at no cost. It's a valuable tool for businesses looking to strengthen their online presence at no direct financial cost.

No, Google My Business can also be used by online businesses, home-based services or businesses without a physical location. It allows you to provide useful information to customers, get reviews, and improve your online visibility, whatever type of business you own.

Official documents are subject to specific controls. We authenticate them by checking the presence and conformity of multiple control points. We also check that the document has not been altered, in order to validate or reject the identity document.

Identity verification tools help prevent fraud and identity theft. Datakeen offers online identity verification solutions to prevent fraud. Thanks to artificial intelligence, it is now possible to check the correspondence between a photo portrait and the image on identity documents. In this way, we can validate or reject identity verification.

The fight against fraud is based on 3 pillars:

  • Careful control of customer identity at onboarding.
  • Online identity verification on request.
  • Automated remediation procedures for continuous control.

Automating the tenant verification process is not compulsory, but it has many advantages. It reduces human error, speeds up application processing, ensures consistency, and enables greater responsiveness. It also simplifies the management of multiple tenant applicants, which can be essential in a competitive real estate market.

AI and LLM use advanced algorithms to analyze documents provided by tenants. They examine every detail, from signatures to photos, and compare them with reliable data. They can also detect subtle alterations, inconsistencies and anomalies that indicate forged documents.

The risks associated with rental fraud are numerous and can have a significant financial and legal impact. Landlords who fail to detect fraud can suffer late payments, property damage, legal disputes and a reduction in the profitability of their investment.

Datakeen's solutions are versatile and can benefit a variety of sectors. Private companies, government institutions, healthcare organizations, law firms and many more can benefit from Datakeen's document processing capabilities. Many other sectors can benefit from Datakeen's document processing capabilities. We help these players to improve their operational efficiency and information management. Datakeen's adaptability makes it an attractive option for many industries.

Benefits include protection of sensitive data and compliance with local regulations. But also responsive technical support, customized solutions, and support for the local economy.

Digital sovereignty refers to a country's ability to make independent decisions in the digital domain. This is achieved by minimizing dependence on foreign players. Digital sovereignty is also achieved by relocating data to sovereign servers in France. In this way, the use of confidential and personal data is governed by French legislation.

To ensure the security of customer data during digital onboarding, it is essential to implement security measures. These include data encryption and two-factor authentication.

The benefits of digital customer onboarding in insurance are numerous. They include greater operational efficiency, an optimized customer experience, enhanced security and a personalized offer.

Digital customer onboarding in insurance refers to the process of digitally integrating new customers into an insurance company. It offers a fluid, personalized experience from the very first interaction.

KYC (Know Your Customer) is a process used by companies to collect and verify their customers' personal information. It is essential because it enables companies to know who their customers are. In this way, organizations can prevent fraud, money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The aim is to guarantee regulatory compliance and maintain financial security.

Companies can face challenges such as collecting accurate, up-to-date data. But also managing compliance with ever-changing regulations. Setting up effective monitoring systems can be a challenge. So can training staff and managing the costs associated with KYC compliance. However, overcoming these challenges is essential to maintaining the integrity of business and financial operations.

The KYC process includes the following elements:

  • Collection of information such as customer identity, address and date of birth.
  • Verification of this information.
  • Monitoring financial transactions and activities.
  • Detect suspicious behavior.
  • Report illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.
  • Staff training on KYC obligations.

AI can be a valuable asset for improving early detection of money laundering in several ways:

  • Massive data analysis.
  • Machine learning.
  • Integration of various data sources.
  • Detection of atypical behavior.
  • Reduction of false positives.

When using AI in the fight against money laundering, protecting data confidentiality is essential. AI systems are designed to comply with strict data protection regulations. These ensure that personal and sensitive information is not compromised. Techniques such as data anonymization and encryption are often used to secure information while enabling AI to perform analysis.

The players involved in money laundering vary. They can include criminal organizations, businesses, professional accomplices and even financial institutions. Criminals often seek to conceal the illicit origin of their funds by channelling them through legal financial channels.

An OCR (Optical Character Recognition) solution is software that transforms paper documents or scanned images into editable text. It uses algorithms to recognize characters, enabling search, indexing and conversion of handwritten or printed data into editable electronic formats, such as text, PDF or Word. This technology improves document management efficiency, reduces storage costs, facilitates searching, and accelerates business processes.

Each optical recognition software has its own features. Some allow you to retain the page layout, and give you the option of selecting the format to which you wish to export your document. Others give you no choice.

It's very simple: select the OCR software you want to use, then import the scanned document you want to transform. To do this, go to your files and drag and drop your document (otherwise, select the file). Wait a few minutes, then download and save your Word file. There are many free converter options available on the Internet.

Our customer review management tool supports the following platforms: Google Business, TripAdvisor and Trustpilot.

However, on request and for specific projects, it is possible to integrate and collect testimonials from a third-party information system.

To prevent customer frustration from escalating, respond quickly to negative customer reviews. An unhappy customer and/or a very negative review can be destructive for your business.

Show empathy and express your regret. Don't forget to invite him or her into the discussion to find out more about the problems he or she has encountered. This may also change his or her mind about the bad comment.

There are many ways to encourage customers to leave a review. You can opt for one of the following:

  • A few e-mails to ask for positive feedback following a purchase in a store or on your e-commerce site.
  • Fast, efficient customer service, followed by a simple request for a positive review on Google.
  • Etc.

Customer review response tools enable you to respond quickly and keep to the same guidelines. Our tool doesn't get bored or tired: it responds professionally to all customer reviews. Datakeen saves you time and energy, while delivering a consistently optimal customer experience. At the same time, these platforms help you to better understand your qualities and areas for improvement with precise anaylses and comparisons between reviews.

Customer reviews are highly valued by users, who place more trust in brands with good ratings. As a result, users launch more itineraries, visit the website more easily and call more frequently to shops with good reviews. As a result, these brands move up the search pages and gain ever greater visibility.

Once you've gained access to our SaaS platform, we'll guide you through a step-by-step onboarding process. During this, you'll be asked to log in to your various Google Business accounts so that we can access them. Once the configuration is complete, you'll be able to take immediate advantage of our customer relationship management solution.

Our archive enhancement solution is easily integrated via API. Once your tools are connected, our platform manages your archives asynchronously. In just a few days, all your documents are processed and you can use the archive consultation tool.

Legal and regulatory compliance is essential when adding value to archives. Recovery tools must comply with data security standards. They must also guarantee that information is managed in accordance with confidentiality requirements.

Archive enhancement tools use technologies such as text analysis, machine learning and indexing. Using these technologies, they examine and organize your archives. They enable you to search for information quickly. But also to identify patterns and generate reports based on historical data.

Archive enhancement enables your company to exploit the hidden potential of your historical data. It enables you to discover valuable trends, patterns and opportunities buried in your archives. This can improve your decision-making, optimize your business processes and boost your competitiveness.

Archive enhancement can be applied to a variety of archive types, whether physical or digital. These may include:

  • paper documents,
  • photographs,
  • digital files,
  • audiovisual recordings,
  • transaction data
  • and much more.

Archive enhancement is the process of transforming and optimizing historical data and documents stored over time. This involves digitizing, indexing and analyzing archives to extract relevant, usable information.

With our Studio tool, you can easily add your own company-specific forms. This way, you can create a template in a matter of moments before using it to analyze all your documents. This makes it easy to provide a satisfying experience for your customers and users.

We offer easy integration with your business platforms and tools via our REST API. You can also customize our document templates to meet your company's specific needs.

Our KYC remediation process ensures rigorous compliance by identifying inconsistencies in customer documents. We also update files in line with regulatory requirements.

Our platform uses artificial intelligence to analyze customer documents. In this way, we are able to identify missing documents and claim only what is necessary. In this way, we simplify the process and improve the customer experience.

Our tracking platform offers real-time control. You can easily track every stage of your campaigns, receive personalized notifications and support your customers every step of the way.

KYC remediation is the process of verifying and regularly updating customer information to ensure its accuracy and compliance with KYC/AML standards.

Datakeen's online identity verification solution certifies official documents. In particular, we process national identity cards, passports and driving licenses. Our tool then extracts personal information from these documents.

Here is the personal information supported on most documents:

  • Civil status
  • Name
  • First names
  • Nationality
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth

And here is the information related to the documents that can be extracted:

  • Document number
  • MRZ belt
  • Date of issue
  • Expiry date

We are able to extract many other fields, so don't hesitate to contact us to find out more.

Datakeen ensures secure data processing thanks to SSL (Secure sockets layer) encryption. Our API communicates with your tools using an end-to-end encryption process. Your data and those of your customers are thus secure.

We do not use your data for training or data processing purposes. We do not store your data without your consent. The data we store (when requested) is only available with your access codes.

Datakeen can help you install all our SaaS tools. We'll help you implement our digital solutions. What's more, we offer follow-up monitoring for customers who have subscribed to a customized offer.

We make sure that our AI solutions work properly, so that you can work with complete peace of mind. Are you experiencing a problem? Please contact the person responsible for your account or send an e-mail to contact@datakeen.co.

Remote ID control platforms improve the customer experience and lighten your associates' workload.

ID documents are verified and authenticated in a matter of seconds. A validation or rejection response is given directly to your customer. So they can quickly take advantage of your services.

What's more, automating the control of your customers' digital identity saves your colleagues. The time needed to authenticate and record information, while avoiding typos and other human errors.

Yes, you can connect to our identity control services via API. If you work with developers, we'll give them all the login information they need to set up secure tools. If not, we'll be happy to work with you. We can provide you with a customized solution that's integrated with your existing tools.

The acronym KYC (know your customer) stands for Connaissance du client. AML (anti-money laundering) stands for LCB-FT (lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme).

These European standards represent the security procedures that major companies in the monetary and financial system must implement. Each banking establishment is thus under an obligation of vigilance with regard to the financial operations it authorizes.

Their digital transformation and the provision of online services are therefore subject to certain rules. These identity verification rules are applied during the onboarding and remediation process.

If our identity documents are rejected by our SaaS solution, you can choose another method.

  • It is possible to send a request for human verification. This can be handled internally or by one of our partners.
  • You can also reject the ID and send a failure or retry alert.

Document archiving involves preserving documents for possible future use. Our document processing solution, backed up by a document management tool, will help you to easily search through all your archives. We always indicate the type of document and extract the information. This makes it very easy to find a phrase or a document.

Our platform includes role management. This means you can easily integrate our platform into your employees' business processes. Access rights to the Datakeen platform can be modified from your administrator interface. What's more, as an administrator, you'll have access to the document flow.

It is not possible to add automations from our platform. However, API keys are available to connect our document processing tool. This makes it easy for you to build automations using the services of third-party platforms or developers.

Document processing platforms like Datakeen enable you to control documents and record their information in a very short time. This means you can process several thousand documents a day. What's more, you benefit from high accuracy and avoid typos and human error.

Administrative documents are often standardized (they have the same format and meet the same criteria). Our tool lets you easily model your standardized documents. You can then use it to classify, authenticate and extract information from your own documents. Process all your administrative documents in this way.

Of course, after a short training period (a few dozen examples), our artificial intelligences will be able to recognize your documents and the fields of importance. The information will then be saved like any other document, and you'll be able to access it in the same way.

It is entirely possible to connect to our services via API. If you're working with developers, we'll give them all the connection information they need. If you don't, we'll be happy to work with you to provide a customized solution integrated with your existing tools.

Your data is totally secure and can only be accessed by you. We do not use your documents or the information they contain to train our tools. If you wish to further enhance the security of your data, we offer the option of storing it on French servers.

Documents that don't meet our tool's identification criteria, and those with inconsistencies, are discarded. You then have three options: request a human verification by Datakeen, carry out the verification yourself, or reject the document and return a failure message. It's up to you to select the option you feel is best suited to dealing with unrecognized documents.